inVision Highlights Benefits of Emergent’s 100GigE Line Scan Cameras
Quality assurance in industries like food and beverage, printing and packaging, pharmaceuticals, and many others demand solutions that can keep up with their high speeds while maintaining good image quality for accurate inspection. This is why Emergent Vision Technologies’ 10GigE, 25GigE, and 100GigE line scan cameras are making waves in these industries.
inVision published an article outlining the benefits of recent developments in line scan cameras and how they’re driving advancements in vision systems, using two of Emergent’s new 100GigE line scan cameras — the Pinnacle LZ-16KG5 and the TLZ-9KG5 — as primary examples. The Pinnacle LZ-16KG5 offers speeds as fast as 400KHz for machine vision applications with a 16Kx16-pixel Gpixel GL5016 CMOS image sensor and high-speed 100GigE QSFP28 interface, while the TLZ-9KG5 Time Delay Integration camera is based on the Gpixel 9K 256 TDI GLT5009BSI CMOS image sensor and allows for line speeds as fast as 608KHz at 9K resolution.
The article continues on to outline other line scan advancements from Emergent, highlighting the Accel series of 25GigE cameras, the Pace LR series of 10GigE SFP+ cameras, Pace LT 10GigE RJ45 cameras, and more.