Third Party Adapters

Third Party Adapters

100gige amd a u55c p00g pq g network interface card amd e blk rgb 1 removebg preview 1

AMD 100GigE Dual-Port Network Interface Card

PZ-100 DUAL Zeus Network Interface Card

The AMD Alveo™ U55C high performance compute card provides optimized acceleration for workloads in high performance computing (HPC), big data analytics and search, financial computing, computational storage and machine learning.

Featuring powerful Virtex™ XCU55 UltraScale+ FPGA from AMD, the Alveo U55C card packs in high bandwidth memory (HBM2) and 200Gbps of high-speed networking into a single slot, small form factor card, and is designed for deployment in any server.


  • Faster application performance with 16GB HBM memory and PCIe Gen4 interconnect

  • Low latency network capability through 2x100G networking with support for 8x 25GbE, or 2x 100GbE

  • Accelerates compute, network, storage workloads

  • Computer Aided Engineering (CAE), Big Data Analytics, Finite Engineering Method (FEM), Signal Processing
  • Ideal for Scale Up and Scale Out system architectures

  • Built for scale out architectures for deployment solutions on the cloud or on-premises interchangeably

  • Network Attached

  • Ready for Scale COTS

  • Ready to deploy in Standard DCs

  • Using existing DC infrastructure


  • Biomedical imaging
  • Computer vision and 3D modeling
  • Machine learning

  • Energy management

  • Pattern recognition and analysis

  • Precision farming

  • Radio astronomy

  • Traffic monitoring

  • Weather forecasting

Card Model A-U55C-P00G-PQ-G
PCIe PCIe Gen3 x16
Dual-Port 100GigE QSFP28
Compliance RoHS
Environmental 0-55°C
OS Windows, Linux
Trigger TBD
GPUDirect Yes
Zero Copy Yes
Multicast Yes

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